Selected Essays and Articles
“The Arc of History,” in Nuda (2023)
Editor’s introduction, special Climate Issue of the Massachusetts Review, Vol. 62, #4 (2021)
“I’ve Said Goodbye to ‘Normal.’ You Should, Too,” in the New York Times (2021)
“Is Ecohumanism Possible?” in Society for US Intellectual History Blog (2020)
“Why Do We Cling to Art in Apocalyptic Times?” in Art in America (2020)
“Beginning with the End,” in Emergence (2020)
“Narrative in the Anthropocene is the Enemy,” in LitHub (2019)
“Climate Change is not World War,” in the New York Times (2019)
“We Broke the World: Facing the Fact of Extinction,” in The Baffler no. 47 (2019)
“Lessons from a Genocide Can Prepare Humanity for Climate Apocalypse,” in the MIT Technology Review (2019)
“Our Hubris Will Be Our End,” in the New York Times (2018)
“Raising My Child in a Doomed World,” in the New York Times (2018)
“Who is the Subject of Climate Change?” in Frieze (2018)
“My Flesh and Blood: Omer Fast’s Continuity,” in Parkett (2017)
“Anthropocene City: Houston as Hyperobject,” in Mustarinda (2016)
“When the Next Hurricane Hits Texas,” in the New York Times (2016)
“What I Learned on a Luxury Cruise through the Global Warming Apocalypse,” in The Nation (2015)
“An Iraqi Band’s (Semi) Happy Ending,” in Rolling Stone (2015)
” ‘We Need Hope and Fear in Equal Measure’: An Interview With Naomi Klein,” in Rolling Stone (2014)
“Back to Baghdad,” in Rolling Stone (2014)
“Learning How to Die in the Anthropocene,” in the New York Times (2013)
“Recognizing the Thing Itself in Harry Mathews’s Cigarettes,” in Contemporary Literature (2013)
“Why Fiction Tells the Truth about War,” in the Wall Street Journal (2013)
“Misreading War Literature,” in Boston Review (2012)
“The Only America They’ve Ever Known,” in the New York Times (2011)
“No-No Man: Viet Thanh Nguyen’s Nihilist Masterpiece,” on Viet Thanh Nguyen, The Committed, in The Yale Review (2021)
“American Foreign Policy Is Not Ready for Climate Change: The U.S. has to rethink its role in an era of ecological disaster,” on Michael T. Klare, All Hell Breaking Loose, and Andrew Bacevich, The Age of Illusions, in the New Republic (2020)
“How John Hersey Bore Witness: On Jeremy Treglown’s Mr Straight Arrow,” in the New Republic (2019)
“No Happy Ending: On Bill McKibben’s Falter and David Wallace-Wells’s The Uninhabitable Earth,” in the Los Angeles Review of Books (2019)
“Wonk Quixote: Nathaniel Rich’s Climate-Change Fairy Tale,” in Bookforum (2019)
“Children of Thanos: On Paul Schrader’s First Reformed,” in the The Yale Review (2019)
“A Surreal Story from Baghdad: On Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad,” in the New Republic (2018)
“Broken Bodies, Broken Forms: On Sarah Sentilles, Draw Your Weapons,” in American Scholar (2017)
“The Shipwreck of History: Bertolt Brecht’s War Primer,” in the Los Angeles Review of Books (2017)
“Choosing War: On Nancy Sherman’s Afterwar and Michael Putzel’s The Price They Paid,” in Dissent (2016)
“Estranged Pain: Anne Carson’s Red Doc>” in Contemporary Literature (2014)
“Not the Man but the Shadow He Leaves Behind: On Sinan Antoon’s The Corpse Washer,” in The Kenyon Review (2014)
“On Lea Carpenter’s Eleven Days”, in Bookforum (2013)
“On Kate McLoughlin’s Authoring War,” in Partial Answers (2013)
Excerpt from I HEART OKLAHOMA!, in LitHub (2019)
Excerpt from WAR PORN, in Dissent (2019)
“The Fall Kills,” in LVNG (2016)
“The Oriental,” in Transmission (2014)
“Never Closer,” in Quiddity (2010)